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[학술활동] 2019 대한수부외과학회 추계학술대회
관리자 | 2019-11-01 10:39:16 | Hit : 9,913

[2019 대한수부외과학회 추계학술대회 및 연수강좌 일정]

1. 11/1(금)
-10:00-11:00 Wide awake (Free Paper 2) 
 10:16-10:24 The Wide-Awake Surgery for Pediatric Patients, 유명재 과장 /A룸
 10:24-10:32 Characteristics and treatment of the extensor pollicis longus tendon rupture after distal radius fracture at the W hospital, 강동호 부장 /A룸

-10:00-11:00 Fingertip & Other reconstructions (Free Paper 4)
 10:32-10:40 Reconstruction Strategy for Degloving Injuries involving Multiple Digits and Hand, 최진희 과장 /B룸

-11:00-12:00 Tendon (ASSH / KSSH Meeting 1), James Chang (Stanford University) /A룸
 Advances in Tendon Repair and Regeneration
-13:00-14:00 Microsurgery (ASSH / KSSH Meeting 2), 병원장 /A룸
 Toe-to-Thumb Transfer
-13:00-14:00 Congenital (Free Paper 6)
 13:35-13:42 Current Trend in the treatment of radial longitudinal deformity, 이영석 과장 /B룸

2. 11/2(토)
-11:20-12:20 Wrist (Free Paper 11), 서재성 의무원장/A룸
-11:20-12:20 KSSPN  Session(Korean Society for Surgery of the Peripheral Nerve) 2
 11:55-12:02 Characteristics of Cuibtal Tunnel Syndrome due to Intraneural Ganglion, 남현재 부장 / B룸
 12:02-12:09 Radial nerve compressive neuropathy by space occupying lesion at elbow, 김영우 원장 / B룸

[Traning Course]
1. 11/2(토)
-13:40-14:40 1.Nerve, 병원장 /Main Auditorium

2. 11/3(일)
-10:40-12:25 7. Arthritis & Tumors of hand 
 12:10-12:25 7) Vascular anomalies, 김영우 원장 /Main Auditorium