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[학술활동] 2018 대한성형외과학회 국제학술대회
관리자 | 2018-11-09 11:27:31 | Hit : 3,251


일시 : 2018 11 9 ~ 2018 11 11

장소 : 그랜드 인터 컨티넨탈 서울 파르 나스

 11 9

class 5 Hand

병원장 Short-term functional results of the first hand
transplantation in Korea”


11 11

[Free Paper 7 Basic Research, Hand Reconstruction]

남현재 부장 Fates and functional outcomes of the of the ring
avulsion amputation

of the digitsFP-07-06  “, "Functional outcome of
surgical treatment for distal radius fracture

performed by a plastic hand surgeonsFP-07-08 “

최진희 과장

“Index finger
pollicization for congenital thumb deformity: Functional outcomes according to

the operation techniquesFP-07-09 “